A few comments

On the right of this page there’s a log of people who visit. Many of those people I recognize just by location. There’s Graybeard over in Illinois (link at right) and Djay in Florida. There’s Mrs. Jinksto’s aunt in Louisiana


I work at a global organization. Daily I speak to people in three or four different countries. I talk to high end type-A folks in New York and Chicago. I talk to Technical people in India and I talk to

Hog Log

Time: 0320 Temp: 46 Degrees The wife pokes me awake.  She does it nicely. Whispering my name from the end of the bed repeatedly until I mumble a reply. “Coffee is brewing.” she says when I mumble a reply.  “ugh…

Dog tired

Charlotte Teaparty.  THIS WEDNESDAY.   Time:  2-4PMLocation:  The lawn at City Hall (Old County Courthouse)600 E. Trade St.Charlotte, NC 28202 A few weeks ago I went on a little vacation.  It was only for a week and the wife and


  From my last post you know that I’ve been on vacation for the last week.  In that time we drove about 3000 miles over 11 days.  That’s enough time for 853 emails to stack up in my inbox at