We all have things that we do when completely bored. At least I assume that I’m not the odd one out as far as that’s concerned. Whether, it’s a completely random task or just inspecting the lint in your bellybutton
Stacked List
My friend Will@home apparently enjoys making lists and encourages others to do the same. Anyone that reads more than one post here knows that I rarely have little to say about any topic so building one-line lists really doesn’t work
Bottled Memories
I met Rob (blog.hines57.com) about 10 years ago. We were working together at the time and he offered to come over and help me with some construction on my house. We got along rather well and it wasn’t long until
Working Overtime
Office hours where I work are 8am-5pm. That seems to be a perfectly normal arrangement. Most days I’m out of bed and ready to go by 5:30 A.M. Since I work from home my commute consists of a bleary eyed
It’s a… Family Tradition^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
I’m discovering that writing a blog can be interesting sometimes. You see, unlike other people who write I tend to follow the site subtitle. I’ve usually got several topics floating around in my head over the days between when I
Playing in the rain…
Stories about playing in the rain.
The trinity…
I sit here sated, tired, happy. I reek of the trinity. Tonight we had what I tried very hard to keep from becoming a party. A party is a collection of people “having a good time” with a purpose. A
Handguns for Ladies … Pick One…
Update, 1/23/2012: These posts get a LOT of hits from folks which is really cool. If you have questions or comments please feel free to post them as a comment below and I’ll do what I can to answer
Handguns for Ladies… continued
Update, 1/23/2012: These posts get a LOT of hits from folks which is really cool. If you have questions or comments please feel free to post them as a comment below and I’ll do what I can to answer quickly.