I’m laid back in my LaZBoy recliner. My feet are kicked up and I’m juggling data back and forth across three huge monitors. The monitors are decked out in my favorite Red and Blue which means that I’m at work
So you say…
I had a friend in Illinois mention that he was all for the second amendment but didn’t think it was safe for “just anyone to be able to buy a gun” as it works under current law. Really? After
It’s 9:30 at night. I’m driving home without really thinking about driving. I just sit back in the comfortable seat and make the truck go where it needs to go. I’m not hungry because Ms. Tracey fed me red beans
Demo Mode
About 12 years ago I got a brand new Bass Tracker bass boat. It was the first real boat that I had ever owned and we spent many many days on the lake playing with it. One evening while tooling