My weatherman is awesome. He’s on twitter and Facebook. He’s even got his own, very interesting blog. During a weather emergency like the recent tornado’s that leveled the south and the ones just before that which destroyed much of North
I work. A lot. Usually between 60 and 90 hours a week. My boss is cool and doesn’t require those hours he just gives me enough to fill 40 or 50 hours and leaves me alone. Along the way I
Precious Moments
I kiss her lightly on the cheek and she doesn’t respond so I follow it up with a quiet caress and a gentle hug. I snuggle with her under the thick, heavy blanket topped by a down comforter and whisper
Until we…
Food for thought: Until we stop expecting politicians to "bring money home" and start expecting them to "leave the money alone" we are screwed. I’m sure it’s been said before. I have no idea by who.